Spinal Degeneration

Pass this on to ANYONE who may have been injured in a car accident before it's too late!
        A 1993 study published in the journal Injury (1) showed strong evidence that a single motor vehicle collision accelerates the process of disc degenerative disease of the cervical spine. (THE NECK)
        A 1997 study published in the Journal of Orthopedic Medicine (2) showed that a single motor vehicle collision accelerated degenerative changes in the cervical spine by about 10 years earlier compared to the control group.
        A 2004 study published in the European Spine Journal (3) showed that the repetitive heading of soccer balls accelerates degenerative changes in the cervical spine by 10-20 years earlier than that of the normal population.         A 2009 study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health  (4) showed that knee and hip arthritis is over 3 times more prevalent in retired NFL players than in the general U.S. population of the same age.  

Chiropractic Helps  Prevent, Reduce or Reverse

Osteoarthritis Caused By Car Accidents!  

        Drs. Garstand and Stitik  (5) indicate that there exists biomechanical factors in the development of osteoarthritis, including altered joint biomechanics, reduced motion, ligamentous laxity, malalignment, impaired proprioception, and muscle weakness. Chiropractic training and clinical practice emphasizes and specializes in the diagnosis and management of these problems.

        Additionally, Dr. Kirkaldy-Willis  (6) indicates that it is during the First Phase or Dysfunction Phase of spinal degeneration when most patients experience their first episode of back pain. Importantly, Dr. Kirkaldy-Willis indicates that the pathological changes during the First Phase are minor and potentially reversible. Dr. Kirkaldy-Willis suggests that spinal manipulation is a viable approach for the management of this first phase of spinal degeneration, noting:
"Manipulation is an art that requires much practice to acquire the necessary skill and competence. Few medical practitioners have the time or inclination to master it. This modality has much to offer to the patient with low back pain, especially in the earlier stages during the phase of dysfunction. The majority of patients are first seen while in this phase. Most practitioners of medicine, whether family physicians, or surgeons, will wish to refer their patients to a practitioner of manipulative therapy with whom they can cooperate, whose work they know, and whom they can trust. The physician who makes use of this resource will have many contented patients and save himself many headaches."



Watching Your Back,

Dr. Robert Barton
Hi Patients and Friends!